Tribute Shows

My mom saw an Eagles tribute show this week. It was a benefit for the local Police Benevolent League (every year, they get a different tribute act to play...last year it was a Beatles act) and her friend Judi bought the tickets.

Here's some of what I gleaned about her experience.

  • The local middle school where this took place was packed. They got there 45 minutes before show time and could only find seats way up in the balcony.
  • The band was very good. There were 6 of them and they didn't try to dress up like the Eagles like some bands do.
  • She knew some of the songs. She kept waiting for them to do "Hotel California" and they finally did.
  • The guy in front of her was like many people in the crowd. He went wild and sang and danced to every number.
  • She had a really good time.

The particular band she was as a Midwest outfit called Heartache Tonight (they have a highlight reel on their website if you are interested).  I know there are dozens of these groups from around the world. There's Hotel California and the Illegal Eagles and Talon other groups featuring names that are derived from song titles (kind of like this blog :) )

I'm not sure, though, how I feel about tribute bands. I think it is great that the Eagles music inspires others. I think that if a group of musicians can bring happiness to a middle school auditorium full of people on a Tuesday night, that's a good thing. Like Don has said in several recent interviews, "...people want to hear these songs."  These tribute acts make that possible.  

I'm not sure, though, I would enjoy seeing a tribute act. I might find myself making comparisons the whole night. One of the main reasons I go to Eagles shows is to see Don and Glenn and Timothy and Joe. I like watching their interplay. I like the way they work together on stage. I like the way they sound. Seeing a tribute act, to me, has limited appeal, but I certainly don't begrudge those who have a great time. It just seems odd to me. I wouldn't pay to see a local group of amateurs act out scenes from Grey's Anatomy or watch a local sports club do a replay of the Packers' Superbowl win. I wonder what the guys in the band would think. Would they be flattered? Would they think these guys should go out and write and play their own music? I don't know. Hey! Maybe that's a question for Don at the Runaway weekend! 

Anyway, maybe I'm being too critical. Maybe I'd have a good time. I'm really glad my mom did. 

What is your opinion on tribute shows? Have you gone to any? What did you think?

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This is a blog.

It's a blog about the Eagles.

Right now, we don't have a name for it. Maybe you can help come up with one in the comments below. Right now it is a work in progress.

We've been talking about how we'd like to do some longer pieces about the Eagles. We miss writing stories like we used to do for our old newsletter and the transient nature of Facebook doesn't really lend itself to that. 

So that's what this blog is for. It's about the Eagles, but it's our thoughts. You will agree with some of them. You will disagree with some of them. That's cool. We hope you'll chime in and tell us when you like something and if you beg to differ, we'd love to hear your respectful responses.